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Geothermal Benefits

Take Advantage Now 

RELM Services in Texas brings you benefits of geothermal systems. Find out how geothermal systems can help you save on utility bills and preserve the environment. Read on to discover the advantages of geothermal and how you can do your part in preserving the environment.

Lower Operational Cost

In the heat mode; Geothermal systems have efficiency ratings of 400 to 500 percent. An efficiency rating is the ratio of heat actually generated versus the amount of energy used to produce the heat. A rating of less than 100% means you are losing heat that you are paying for. This loss is typically caused by energy consumption required for the combustion process of a fossil fuel furnace. The most efficient natural gas furnaces cannot compete at a rating of only 95%.

Energy 101

Geothermal Video from Water Furnace

Secretary Chu Promotes Geothermal Program at WaterFurnace 

Before Geothermal and After Geothermal

Green (Environmentally Friendly, Not the Color) 

Geothermal systems have a positive impact on the environment since they burn no fossil fuels and operate on a modest amount of electricity. According to the United States Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, geothermal systems are the most environmentally friendly way to heat and cool your home. They do not emit greenhouse gasses, which are known to contribute to environmental air pollution.  

Longer Life-Cycle 

You can expect your geothermal system to provide an average of 20 to 24 years of reliable comfort and savings. In comparison, the average life cycle of a conventional system is 13 to 15 years.  

Residential Geothermal Tax Incentives (Federal)  

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, adopted in October 2008 allows for a 30% NO CAP tax credit for costs associated with Energy Star qualified geothermal heat pumps, as noted in section 25D of the Internal Revenue Code. The credit applies to geothermal equipment placed in service through December 31, 2016.

The State of Texas 

Hot Water Bonus!

Geothermal systems have the capability of capturing reclaimed heat during heating and cooling modes and using it to heat domestic water. This application can reduce the water heating cost of a four-person household by 50 to 60 percent.


Flammable fossil fuels are not used to operate geothermal units. Because there is no combustion, there is no chance of explosion, hazardous fumes or risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. 

Peaceful and Quiet

Conventional air conditioners and heat pumps require noisy outdoor equipment.
Geothermal systems do not.  

Superior Comfort

Geothermal systems provide superior air comfort. They demonstrate increased air purification and dehumidification versus conventional systems. In addition to improved air quality, geothermal systems keep indoor air temperatures at consistent levels, eliminating hot and cold spots that are typical of all conventional systems. For ultimate comfort, zoning allows for distinctive temperature adjustments in different areas of your home. 


A geothermal installation is an excellent heating and cooling solution for nearly any situation. Geothermal systems perform well in cool northern climates as well as warm southern conditions, in homes small, large, new, existing and every home in between.

Need More Information? 

Check out our FAQ page for more information about Geothermal.