Fax: 866-753-6318
RELM Services in Texas is your go-to source for efficient heating and cooling services and geothermal systems. Our geothermal systems make homes and businesses comfortable and conserve energy. We have attended many training programs for heating and cooling services. Take a look at our certifications.
A critical component to a high quality and long lasting geothermal system is actually the first step: system design. Our friendly and experienced comfort specialists evaluate your home and perform engineering calculations to determine the proper sized geothermal system for your home. Factors include the age of the home, insulation levels, window quantity and quality, size of the home, orientation of the home, ceiling height and many, many more.
It is not uncommon for two homes that appear nearly identical in the same neighborhood to have different heating and cooling requirements. That’s why we never “guess or assume” what size geothermal system is right for your home. Our goal is to provide an energy efficient geothermal heat pump system that maximizes your comfort and minimizes your energy usage. That’s why each geothermal heat pump system that we install is custom designed for you and your home.
Contact us at 888-546-5559 and let us handle your geothermal system needs.